He agreed, especially when the king granted the chevalière funds for a new wardrobe.
The institute is granted funds from the central government to improve its infrastructure and facilities.
Rather than award little sums to many individual researchers, they are granting funds to one academic center that specializes in a particular subject.
On 2 October 1986 the city council changed their opinion and granted funds for upgrading the hill.
Neighborhoods are also granted discretionary funds from the city's budget to use for capital improvements.
Finally, many government agencies exist to grant funds to external organizations or individual researchers.
Then he talked some of the island councils into granting funds and people to train.
The highest score received by any of the 25 projects granted funds was 70 points.
The bank, a major source of financing for Latin America, recently was granted increased funds.
This is precisely the reason why I support a balanced policy for granting funds.
The project is funded by a $32 million grant from the state.
It is funded by a grant from the Canadian federal government.
The project will be funded by a $2 million federal grant awarded in 2006.
In recent times, the trust has been funded by a grant from the Lottery.
Construction of the bridge was funded by a $56 million grant from the Japanese government.
Urban renewal programs are funded in part by federal grants.
It contains 72 beds and was funded by a grant from the government.
The grant is basically funding the building of a grass roots data base, education and training.
The total estimated cost of construction was $800,000, funded by grants and private donations.
The program offers free room and board, and is funded by a grant from the order.