In the dictionary you can find not only grammatical information, but also examples, meanings, case frames,etc.
A linguistic dictionary was generated by the computer, which included grammatical information on each segment.
Some languages have relatively restrictive word orders, often relying on the order of constituents to convey important grammatical information.
All grammatical information from Wilson, S. (1999) unless otherwise noted.
The grammatical information for the lemmata is then accessed.
Hence there is a significant increase in the processing due to the increased numbers of words to be assigned grammatical information.
The grammatical and morphological information in learner's dictionaries also tend to be very explicit.
Most of the grammatical information in Jaqaru is carried in the morphology.
In other languages however, finite verbs are the locus of much grammatical information.
The ending carries grammatical information, including case, number, and gender.