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Grading system has been started from the academic year 2010-2011.
By his own grading system, he was making good on that promise.
Grading systems are also different for each type of cancer.
However in most universities the American grading system is used.
A new grading system was implemented at the college in 2003.
Since then it has been working on the grading system that was announced today.
Most nations have individual grading systems unique to their own schools.
The lines of argument against the grading system have been played out often in recent months.
So the grading system is best not taken as gospel, experts say.
All three types of science high school also maintain different grading systems.
The second change made to the grading system, was the introduction of the I grade.
Averaging is also used as the grading system of the Chinese department.
For some students this grading system requires a more active role.
In 1950, a new grading system for technicians was introduced.
A traditional percentage grading system is used in grade 7-12.
But now Government introduced the grading system instead of marks.
In Lithuania, the grading system has been changed to a 10-point scale since 1995.
Another notable change was the implementation of grading system in high schools.
We must, therefore, begin to pay more attention to the degrading effect of our grading system!
As part of the grading system, the report assigned a fare value to each line, based on its performance.
For free climbing, there are many different grading systems varying according to country.
The school's grading system, a scale of zero to six, is rather unusual.
Officials have told players and coaches recently that the grading system is too harsh.
The grading system is open ended; harder climbs are possible.
He allowed students to create their own programs and abolished the traditional grading system.