When Ms. Jones and Mr. Wilder are on screen together, they project a sense of goofy fun that spritzes a whiff of 30's screwball comedy.
It is easy to be optimistic about ISO; its shows are goofy fun.
"The Nutcracker Sweeties," to Ellington, is goofy fun, a sly, wry take on Tchaikovsky.
He concluded that the show was "goofy, colorful fun that should be able to put a smile on anyone's face."
Granted, the show's nutty story, with its hoary jokes and unhinged luxury-liner passengers provide the fixings for goofy fun.
Hal Walker's ROAD TO UTOPIA (1945), their fourth, is typical goofy fun.
The evening ended in a blaze of high spirits with dancers and band members joining in a collaborative finale that was wonderfully goofy fun.
Football was serious, but it was goofy fun too.
No, there's no point whatsoever, other than to have some goofy fun, which Mr. Myers has done so well on past occasions (in "Wayne's World," for example).
You'll see Miley as a fun, goofy, dancing chick with her fun, goofy, dancing friends, having nuthin' but goofy fun!