Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
It then continued in use as a goods station until 1966.
The curve and the goods station are no longer in use.
But some goods stations were by an accident of history very grand.
Instead of being demolished, they were turned into goods stations.
Below the train shed is an area once used as a goods station.
Today the goods station is also closed, and the line no longer carries through traffic.
A goods station at the site opened in 1850.
But it was converted to a goods station and reopened in 1881.
But the principal focus for freight traffic was the goods station.
But it remained in service as a goods station.
Between 1900 and 1937, the goods station was a busy coal terminal.
In Soviet times a building for the goods station and signalling control was built.
The old station continued to be used as a goods station until 1968.
Wicker remained open as a goods station until 1965 and has now been demolished.
After this the old station was used as a goods station and depot.
The new stop was moved 150 m downstream to the area where the former goods station once was.
From 1925 there was a ballast works at the goods station known as the Knacker.
The station was used as a goods station after closure to passengers.
After closure the bridge over the river was removed and the site of the goods station is now covered by housing.
In 1925, the shunting yard was inaugurated together with the goods station.
He must find the carter who brought the cask to the Goods Station.
College closed to passengers 15 March 1886, although the goods station remained open until the early 1980s.
While primarily a goods station, it also handled passengers.
It was equipped with an important goods station where a large amount of agricultural products came from surrounding crops.
The station remained staffed for a year or two longer until the goods station closed.