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Here were the goods sidings, with a track either side of the line.
Many of the private goods sidings were removed at this time.
A goods siding was provided a little distance south of the station but has been closed for many years.
A number of goods sidings were provided at the station, the last being removed in 1982.
By this time, the goods sidings to the east of the station had been expanded.
There were also some small goods sidings alongside the station.
The goods siding was located north of the station platforms.
The line was single throughout with passing loops and some goods sidings.
It consisted of an island platform between the two main lines and several goods sidings.
The majority of goods sidings have since been removed.
There were short goods sidings for each line running into bay platforms with an extra one on the up side.
It has a passenger station, and many goods sidings.
Typically for this line, the station had a single passenger platform a few goods sidings.
The goods siding was soon removed and the station site occupied by a scrap merchant until 1977.
Traffic at the new station was sufficient to warrant additional goods sidings before the end of the year.
Much larger goods sidings, a telegraph office and buildings for shipping businesses were built.
To the east of the station were a number of goods sidings opened after 1919, which have since been lifted.
It includes a ground frame signal box on the platform, a cattle dock and small goods sidings.
The station consisted of a passing loop with up and down platforms plus goods sidings.
A two-line goods siding was located to the south of the westbound platform.
The station had a building with two adjacent side platforms and two goods sidings.
In its outset, it only had the one platform, and goods sidings including the Ambrosia factory.
Private goods sidings were provided on the west side of the line on both sides of the station.
Two goods sidings were laid behind this platform.
At Penarth the line had two, and in part three, tracks and goods sidings.