Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
To be sure, the company has a good track record.
But this union does have a good track record in campaigning for young people.
But in reality, he said, "the Government must choose performance, people who have a good track record."
"The fact that they're well established and have a good track record was certainly a factor," he said.
They can be motivated by revenge, and some do not have a good track record.
Does it have a good track record of results?
Are they going to institutions that have a good track record in their opposition to apartheid?
Motorola from what I've read has a good track record in this regard.
That's a good track record, in a risky field, by anyone's measure.
United Kingdom companies that have a good track record and are competitive will continue to win orders.
The college has a good track record in international moot court competitions.
Also, Ken has a good track record in office on most of the issues that matter most.
A. Well, actually, Connecticut does not have a good track record in early childhood education.
It has a good track record of being nonpartisan and objective."
The machines are not new, and although they have a good track record, not everyone loves them.
"It's almost an impossible task to start with and the trustees don't have a good track record.
Her gut feelings had a good track record but she couldn't expect thousands of pounds to be thrown away on them alone.
"This administration has a good track record on pro-investment policies.
The foundation has a good track record in uncovering promising singers.
The Federation does not have a good track record regarding delivering energy efficient homes.
Comcast has a good track record lately in guessing what people will pay for.
"Jellybean has a good track record of identifying artists before they've gotten big."
Who has a good track record for recruiting ethnic minorities or candidates with disabilities?
3.36pm: Mohan says he will often ask where a story came from and whether the sources have a good track record.
The university has a good track record of taking students from across the state sector - from 636 schools and colleges in all last year.