"Men now look at golf attire as office attire, too," says Marshal Cohen, president of the market research firm NPD Fashionworld.
Many of the serious young women golfers who play the amateur circuit appreciate the changes in golf attire.
Proper golf attire is needed for a golf club to have a harmonious flow while playing golf.
It advises Parelle Sportive, a Los Angeles maker of women's golf attire.
While playing campus golf, students often wear traditional golf attire, including plaid pants, shirts and sweaters.
Parnevik, who is known for his distinct golf attire, explained.
Golf clothing includes gloves, shoes, and other specialized golf attire.
The most recognizable names in golf attire are:
Mr. Iacocca wears more traditional golf attire.
Over the latter half of the 20th century, as standard clothing in golf became more casual, the tennis shirt became adopted nearly universally as standard golf attire.