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After the gold rush was over most people left the town.
In 1849 he went to California for the gold rush.
While she was still young, her father left to California for the gold rush.
The site has a longer history of use than just the gold rush.
It could be the start of another California gold rush.
The area was the site of a gold rush in 1906.
A former gold rush town with a population of 30 000 in 1890.
A gold rush is on, for example, in many countries.
The region came to life in the gold rush of 1849.
During the gold rush the population grew to more than 30,000 people.
The county's economy was never healthy after the gold rush.
However, certain people who later played a large role in the other gold rush took note.
California later came into the Empire after the gold rush.
Then I shall take you to a new gold rush.
Now is a good time to visit, before the gold rush starts.
The change in policy has sparked a 90's gold rush.
Following the huge gold rushes were the Chinese in 1854.
"A lot of guys left after the gold rush with only the pack on their back."
Maybe some of the people moved into the caves after the gold rush.
The military government turned to him again to restore order when a gold rush began here in 1980.
This discovery led to the California gold rush of 1849.
It was a prosperous town during the great gold rush.
That was somewhere near the center of a modern gold rush.
After the gold rush, farming became the main business in the area.
Started as a gold rush town, it is now home to some of the richest people in the country.