There is no sexual gold standard for men or women.
The old gold standard is long since gone, but the basic economic laws remain.
There were a number of improvements on the old gold standard.
It is the current gold standard of the integrated look.
The international gold standard, for example, was an effective monetary union.
Most countries do not use the Gold standard now.
Instead, offer expert advice on gold standards and free enterprise.
First step towards a general return to a Gold Standard?
After the war, European countries slowly returned to their gold standards, though in somewhat altered form.
Both of these provisions would be important advances for the city's campaign finance program, which is something like the national gold standard already.
The worst affected were economies with silver standard that traded mainly with economies with gold standard.
In the diagnosis of lung cancer, computed tomography with special three-dimensional CAD systems are established and considered as gold standard.
Due to its potential side effects (triflupromazine has higher risk for side effects than many other antipsychotics) it is not gold standard in antiemetic therapy.
"So it may not be platinum standard," Dr. Martell said, "but gold standard."
September 22 - United Kingdom abandons gold standard.
In 1929, the original franc germinal of 1795 was replaced by the franc Poincaré, which was valued at 20% of the 1803 gold standard.
The economy of all the nations on Earth is based on the iron standard, not gold standard.
"This is gold standard for unfairness."
The figures for specificity, sensitivity and predictive values were calculated as described previously [ 10 ] using microscopy as gold standard.
The primary alternative, now considered gold standard for trauma care, is the vacuum mattress, which is flexible when soft, but it hardened through evacuation of air.