Spain has taught us what godless Communism will bring.
Our spooks report that one-third of the Red Army is becoming Christian - what greater proof that "godless Communism" is past?
Further progress would make full diplomatic relations more likely between the Holy See and the Kremlin, the seat of what used to be called godless Communism.
If stealing Russian munitions would help bring down godless Communism, so be it.
Was there an element of godless Communism to be found in the unbelieving Egyptians?
The change was made to draw attention to the difference between the system of government in this country and "godless Communism."
"Part of the reason for that was that we had to show ourselves to be a good and a spiritual people against the godless Communism that was our adversary."
Harry Truman started it all with his own version of the Evil Empire - he always called it "godless Communism."
Son of a missionary in China, Luce remained lifelong a Christian missionary propagandist fighting godless Communism.
The nuns taught us that godless Communism - sounded like Nazism to me - was the biggest enemy of America and of the church.