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A second sampling a week later found them less gluey but still nondescript.
They're so gluey and tough that it feels as if you had rocks in your stomach, but oh well!
Bill put out a hand, and it slapped into a gluey yielding wetness.
Gluey brown rice with chunks of unpeeled carrots and potatoes.
"If the mashed potatoes are gluey, they'll be perfect."
A slightly gluey disembodiment warned Ethan that courtesy had gone for enough.
The stick was thickly coated with gluey white clay.
For all its clarity, Gardener thought that liquid must be very gluey indeed, perhaps the consistency of dish detergent.
Two figures, covered from head to toe with gluey mud, rolled over and over in the slime.
A plasma cloud boiled toward them, a gluey see-through salmon mass, almost pretty if one didn't know what it could do.
There's the buzz of not one but two table fans, and he can feel the cross-draft, but that stink is too gluey to move.
The bird was well cooked and only slightly seasoned and came with a gluey black-olive-and-thyme risotto.
He was sinking in a black and sucking bog, gluey viscous terror sapping his vital forward momentum.
ME's that are performed when the woman is not pregnant take longer because the menstrual material is gluey and comes down the tubing slowly.
Shinier and more lubricious but less gluey than previous products, the new glosses are designed for women who want their mouths to look perpetually wet.
Harrier slashed the Insect's abdomen to gluey yellow ruin; it lunged at him, quivered and collapsed.
Continue processing until the mixture has a smooth but somewhat gluey texture, so that it forms ribbonlike strands when picked up with a spoon.
The water around him was the color of milk, and of an almost gluey consistency; it would clear slowly as the dead organisms sank to the bottom.
The atmosphere above him limbed with a startling luminance,- and a bulbous, spidery shape of gluey blue fire appeared overhead.
Cottony Australian barramundi was paired with gluey Thai noodles - a dish lost in translation.
Up close the work he is doing, trying to scoop and scrape tons of gluey black oil off the sand and the rocks, has taken its toll.
Marius had abandoned his clothes and was floundering waist-deep in a patch of gluey black mud, exhausted and sinking.
Two parts has been criticised as giving too gluey a result, and four parts as too loose; a ratio of 1:3 has been recommended.
But I'm mainly having a problem with into his - it is slightly difficult to say and therefore to think - it is gluey and unmelodious, somehow.