The Nichols dedication to diversity extends beyond the local community, particularly in this day and age when globalization affects our every day lives.
This is best described by dependency theory, which is one theory on how globalization can affect the world and the countries in it.
These researchers typically find that globalization does affect union density, but is dependent on other factors, such as unions' access to the workplace and the centralization of bargaining.
This year, RAND also published "The 21st Century at Work," a sweeping study of how population changes, technology and globalization will affect the work force.
It was only a matter of time before the globalization of work affected the United States labor market.
But while globalization clearly affects geopolitics, it doesn't end it.
Economic development, mass tourism, globalization, and national interests have all affected the country's historic legacy.
Beyond resulting in substantial political and economical shifts, globalization has also affected social and cultural practices between people.
Fortunately, a major study of how globalization has affected 34 developed and developing countries was just published by the consulting firm A. T. Kearney.
That indicates that the globalization of trade affects only a limited proportion of the Community economy.