Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
They were a global group and had many members worldwide.
Under his management, the business grew into a global group of companies.
"It will have to be either a smaller company or part of a global group."
The technology's standards bodies are becoming a single global group as well.
A look at public records reveals a diverse global group.
Global groups that represent business roles should contain only user or computer accounts.
These global groups then hold other groups or users depending on different Windows versions used.
Simulation123 is a not-for-profit global group to support simulation enthusiasts.
Regional Urban Sketchers groups function similar to the main global group.
Furthermore, the report identifies the primary global groups in this issue as the three monotheistic faiths.
Summit Global Group added several former Polaroid employees to their staff.
Today, Bardahl global group ranks amongst the top ten producers in the world.
The global group will not have a head; its six executives will report to Mr. Johnson.
Or will it, as some critics contend, allow a global group to undercut American laws if they are seen as harmful to trade?
Spice Global Group plans to expand its footprint in Malaysia.
September 5 - Global groups unite against Islamic arbitration in Ontario.
His father is an advertising account director there at the Grey Global Group .
Agencies owned by the Grey Global Group are landing and losing accounts.
The Grey Global Group, with a market value of $828 million, has long been on shoppers' lists.
In response there has been hacktivism, with global groups attempting to provide alternative communication methods for the Egyptians.
It is a subsidiary of the Abbingdon Global Group.
Via Global Group is the managing business entity for the center and has implemented growth strategies to ensure success year after year.
Grey is part of the Grey Global Group.
Studio Lambert is backed by All3Media, a global group of production companies and an international distribution company.
Units of the Grey Global Group in New York are being reorganized.