For some other structures of the time, hard clay soil provided a firm base.
But if you have a heavy clay soil, wait for warmer weather.
Away from the river, the higher land is mainly a heavy clay soil with few large settlements.
It can be found on open grasslands, often in clay soils.
The clay soil in the area was conducive to brick making.
Its name is derived from the clay soil, which was used to produce bricks.
The moraine has left the city with mostly clay soil.
The clay soils were turned into a thriving brick industry.
Clay soil can pose problems for traffic when moisture is present.
He did not think very much of the clay soil, poor timber and swamps.
An even higher ratio of about 18,000 was measured in loam soils.
The following description applies to a loam soil and agricultural crops.
The total surface area of the loam soil was estimated to be 560,000 square feet.
These loam soils are all well suited for agricultural purposes.
Plants enjoy a sandy loam soil that has good drainage.
The sandy loam soil of the region is high in calcium and alkaline.
Instead, he plowed it under, back into the sandy loam soil.
Endowed with fine loam soil, farming became an early business.
Majority of the island has a sandy loam soil not enough to support a forest.
Learn more about why loam soil is the ideal medium for growing plants in this article.
For three days the little party made their way under these vast arches, over a clayey soil which the foot of man had never trod.
Moreover, the clayey soil turned to muck from the first rains.
Therefore clayey soils with a bad drainage should be avoided.
His eyes flicked toward the garden, flourishing despite the heavy, clayey soil.
Work progressed very slowly in the wet, clayey soil.
The plant grows well on moist clayey soils in full sun.
I intended to use the lid as a screen and, thus protected, to open a sort of shaft in the clayey soil.
The dark indicate vegetable decay, while the others point to clayey soil.
He also conducted studies aiming to identify the specific minerals that give a clayey soil its plastic nature.
The water was cold, and the clayey soil sticky; the dirt didn't want to come off.