Segal suggests this deviation gave a tone of seriousness to the play.
Can you think of any other devices Wilder uses to give a larger context to the play?
This emphasis gives a somewhat puzzling political twist to the play.
By the time the rehearsal gives way to the play, the lines between theater and reality are already blurred.
In the torchlight, there had been a certainsomethingthat had given an illusion of reality to the play.
Another way of giving variety to the play of a helpmate is twinning.
Mr. Rosset said the author had given him the rights to the play in 1986.
The award is given to the best non-musical play that has appeared on Broadway in a previous production.
The revived play gave a modern perspective to the play.
The award was given to the best play, musical or non-musical, which had already appeared on Broadway in a previous production.