But the polite discussions on trade that surrounded President Clinton's visit here this spring have evidently given way to exasperation and blunt talk.
President Bush's new initiatives to control arms in the Middle East could finally give some substance to all the vague and virtuous talk.
By Thursday, the elation of early Wednesday had given way to exhaustion and talk of working with Republicans.
Many times has she said so and Jana is not given to idle talk.
She was accustomed to quiet men, for a great many western men were' quiet, not given to unnecessary talk.
Measured comments soon gave way to harder talk.
As Spyder watched him disappear into the darkness, he thought, Not a species given to small talk.
Conversation was slow to start, but it wasn't long before curiosity became warm interest and fearful reserve gave way to animated talk.
Julius was too much engrossed in feeding to wish to speak, and neither of the other two was normally given to small talk.