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With these, he had also kept half a million dollars' worth of gilt-edged securities.
In gilt-edged securities or bank notes, too, if our grandfather knew his business.
Hence, they are known as gilt-edged securities, or gilts for short.
"Those tapestries are backed with more than a million in gilt-edged securities.
Practical men deal in bank accounts, real estate, advertising contracts and gilt-edged securities.
Gilt-edged securities are bonds issued by certain national governments.
It can borrow by issuing either gilt-edged securities (government bonds) or Treasury bills.
With-profit - contributions are invested in equities and gilt-edged securities.
British government finances deteriorated in the early 1990s and the prospects are for a return to large net sales of gilt-edged securities.
"I intend to establish chain stores throughout the country, to sell diamonds in the fashion of gilt-edged securities.
Without that conspicuously outrageous automobile, the listed increase is a mere 703 percent, but it still makes title to a collector car a gilt-edged security.
(1) This paragraph applies in relation to any gilt-edged securities...
Gilts are sometimes called 'gilt-edged securities' or 'UK government gilts'.
A fiscal deficit is often funded by issuing bonds, like treasury bills or consols and gilt-edged securities.
Continuing rumours about its financial position and a climate of depreciation in gilt-edged securities, led to a suspension of payments.
"You must understand, Mr. Edkins, that I usually deal in gilt-edged securities.
Gains on the disposal of gilt-edged securities are exempt from Capital Gains Tax.
Meaning of "gilt-edged securities"
The stockbrokers EBZW reported strong interest in gilt-edged securities.
In the United Kingdom, one method of estimating the real rate of interest is to note the yield on index-linked gilt-edged securities.
"It wasn't originally, but it's been sitting there in Berne for almost twenty years, invested in Swiss gilt-edged securities."
Instead, the money supply might contract over a period of time as the banking sector adjusts stage by stage to successive sales of gilt-edged securities.
During the 1980s, the Bank of England and the London Stock Exchange developed jointly a computerised settlement system for transactions in gilt-edged securities.
Computershare took over as the registrar for UK Government bonds (gilt-edged securities or gilts) from the Bank at the end of 2004.
The boodle [his money] is in the shape of gilt-edged securities and 'mammy,' as Kel affectionately terms his wife, has charge of it."