As of 2006, it produced an average annual energy of 67 gigawatt hours of hydroelectricity.
Installed hydroelectric power total 3,992 megawatts, with an annual product of 5,417 gigawatt hours.
The power station's 12 turbines produce around 28 gigawatt hours per year and thus provide electricity for approximately 10,000 households.
In 2007 their total output was 2187 gigawatt hours; in 2009 it was 1927 GWh.
Providing 8,900 gigawatt hours (32 PJ), it is one of the largest series of hydroelectric power plants in the world.
One study found that using 1% of total available land for wind farms would produce approximately 100,000 gigawatt hours (GWh) per year.
In fiscal year 2012, total electricity revenue was $1,736 million (Canadian) on sales of 19,957 gigawatt hours of electricity.
The company plans on purchasing 458 gigawatt hours of wind energy credits.
The facility produces 4.5 gigawatt hours per year of district heating, gaining the nickname "Norway's largest refrigerator".
Kaw Hydroelectric generates approximately 104 gigawatt hours of energy annually.