When the giant supermarket opened 10 years ago most of the other local merchants openly worried that they would be driven out of business.
The company's decision reflects a growing trend on Wall Street to unwind the giant financial supermarkets built over the 1990's.
Developers Foinavon has offered £5m for the purchase of the whole of the ground with the intention of developing the site as a giant supermarket.
Rain also influences business at Randall's, a chain of giant supermarkets here.
Homes of families which had been rehoused, corner shops which had succumbed to the chains of giant supermarkets.
He resolved to walk as far as the giant supermarket at the end of the road, and no further.
A hypermarket is basically a giant supermarket!
A giant supermarket.
But the giant supermarkets that are slowly coming to dominate the biggest cities in China are hardly traditional.
But when Korea Town opened, it essentially operated as a giant supermarket, open to all shoppers.