The giant stingray had already stung ten swimmers.
Bertha and the other sharks; their cousins, the giant stingrays, and assorted little fish one can't help worrying about just keep going round and round.
The sub-aquatic Saint Nick will be sharing the 830,000 gallon tank with 10ft-long sand tiger sharks, lemon sharks, giant stingrays and more than 1,500 other tropical fish.
The longer tail, presence of thorns, and absence of white dots atop the disc differentiate this species from the short-tail stingray (D. brevicaudata), another giant stingray that shares its range.
Behind him, the black wedge fanned out into formation and cruised forward like some giant delta-winged stingray on the prowl.
There he was, tailpipe hot and bright against the field of stars, looking like a giant stingray must look as it passes over creatures deeper in the ocean.
Its aquariums feature sharks, giant stingrays, sea turtles and other marine life.
Other common names for this species include Davies' stingray and giant stingray.
Dasyatis multispinosa (Multispine giant stingray)
Guests were led up escalators and down corridors, past giant stingrays and stuffed tigers, to the Hall of Ocean Life.