We have the expertise to get satellites in space, which in turn would carry lasers that could beam down solar energy to run our power plants.
Get the inside story from people in astronomy, astrophysics, building satellites and even an astronaut.
Both Chinese and American companies were working to get satellites off the State Department's munitions list.
Manufacturing glitches and rocket failures have made it more difficult and costly to get satellites into the sky.
They've got satellites that can read a license plate from orbit, and it was a clear day, but I strongly doubt they took any pictures.
"As you look around the map, more and more countries are moving to get satellites up."
There is a large backlog in getting communications, military and commercial satellites into space.
We've got satellites and all this stuff, but if we push a wrong button we don't know how to get it to work again.
The shuttle was to serve as the primary means of getting commercial satellites into orbit.
But they have to look out up there, for he's got satellites that are not just the easiest things to pass.