"You have to go to Clair's and get ice cream or popcorn, and then you go on the horses."
Yes, exhibitors would have to adapt and compete - but maybe you'd be able to get popcorn for less than a 5,000 percent mark-up.
They soon run into Grandpa, who is getting popcorn, at the concession stand and are led back into the theater.
I'm getting popcorn, and she's in the theater.
Just said the words..." Heard another say, "I got popcorn in my throat.
Part of that ritual, he said, is getting enough popcorn before the film starts to last through the entire screening.
"Can I get popcorn at the movie?"
I don't ever remember getting popcorn at the movie until I was a teenager or in my adult life.
Just need to go get some beer and popcorn.
Guests, who pay $39 for the tour, also get popcorn and bottled water.