The walls don't only have ears, they've got lips, too.
Can you get fuller lips from a tube?
Lots of babies bein' put away because they've got split lips or their feet are wrong, somehow.
There are plenty of ways to get full, sensuous lips even if Mother Nature neglected to give them to you.
She got curly hair right, and rubbery lips but she's alright.
I think Twister's got delicate lips, and he don't like the way a fishhook bites in.
She's got black ringlet hair, thin lips, and a tiny, pointed nose.
He's got a close-cropped white mustache, thin, straight lips and a poker face.
Here, we compiled the best ways to get full lips, bright eyes, a flatter belly, and a whole lot more.
He's got lips, he knows how to use 'em, I thought, almost intoxicated by his presence.