Today, he got two golds - one for the long jump, one as a member of the winning 400-meter relay team.
Each of the following worked for Peterson, many getting their first coaching jobs as a member of his staff.
A top Premier contracting executive also got stock options as a member of Horizon's board.
He claims that he got his position legitimately, not as a member of the chancellor's House.
However, he also got into fights and petty crime as a member of a gang of youths.
That was a reputation that would enable him to coast along, getting his share as a member of the big-shot circle.
When Grace returned home, one of Jerry's first concerns was how much money she would be getting as a member of the group.
The next night, in his second event of the Games, he got a silver as a member of the 4x100-meter free relay.
You've got him as a member, ten years standing, at Jim's Gym downtown.
Roi got international media attention as a member in good standing of the Beat Generation.