Maybe the world is changing and the U.S. will suddenly get British artists once again.
We got artists from the US and all the way to Australia.
But a quiet new headache has arisen: just getting foreign artists into the country.
It is likely that Yonkers will have to work hard not only to get artists, galleries and chic shops, but also to keep them.
"Others took a little less interest in getting artists paid than Steve."
We're getting world-class artists and people just breaking into the business, struggling artists who need that kind of space.
Without serious buyers, it's tough to get top-notch artists; and vice versa.
They came up with the idea of getting artists to open their studios and display their work for the public.
Radio Wales Music Day is also about getting artists to play in front of new audiences.
"I am hoping to broaden the investigation of drawing and to get artists involved in what we do."