"get a certificate" auf Polnisch — Englisch-Polnisch Wörterbuch | Werfen Sie einen Blick auf "get a certificate" auf Englisch

certificate , * , auch: Cert. , auch: Certif.

  1. świadectwo, zaświadczenie (np. chrztu, ślubu) [COUNTABLE]
    The doctor signed the death certificate without seeing the body. (Lekarz podpisał akt zgonu bez obejrzenia ciała.)
    link Synonym: cert.
  2. dyplom, licencja (np. związane z ukończeniem kursu) [COUNTABLE]
    After the studies, she got a teaching certificate. (Po studiach ona dostała licencję nauczycielską.)
  3. atest, certyfikat
    We have all the necessary certificates to sell food. (Mamy wszystkie atesty potrzebne do sprzedaży jedzenia.)
  1. przyznawać certyfikat [TRANSITIVE]
    I was certificated to work as a beautician. (Przyznano mi certyfikat, abym pracowała jako kosmetyczka.)

Weitere Redewendungen — "get a certificate"

Siehe auch: certificate of employmentbirth certificate, certificate of birthcertificate of deposit, CD, deposit certificatecertificate of qualitycertificate of trademark registrationcertificate of origincertificate of acceptance, acceptance certificatecertificate of baptismcertificate of disabilitycertificate of appointmentcertificate of appreciationcertificate of citizenshipcertificate of compliancecertificate of damagecertificate of deathcertificate of exemption from somethingcertificate of identificationcertificate of inspectioncertificate of mortgagecertificate of nationalitycertificate of naturalizationcertificate of origin and estimate of the damagecertificate of personal statuscertificate of postingcertificate of purchasecertificate of registrationcertificate of residencecertificate of shipmentcertificate of surveycertificate of proxycertificate for export with the refundcertificate of adequacycertificate of conformitycertificate of destructioncertificate of educationcertificate of practical trainingcertificate of competencycertificate of dischargecertificate of registrycertificate of seaworthinesscertificate of agecertificate of appointment of estate trustee with a willcertificate of conditional clearancecertificate of drawbackcertificate of exportationcertificate of force majeurecertificate of election

"get a certificate" — Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

get a certificate Kollokation
Automatische Übersetzung (wir garantieren seine Korrektheit nicht): dostań zaświadczenie
  1. get Verb + certificate Substantiv
    Normale Kollokation

    You had to get a certificate in order to go out on the water.

    Ähnliche Kollokationen: