The sand looks like a geometric plane until a sheet of ocean grazes it.
Light sparkled as they touched the geometric plane.
The geometric planes are color-coded according to mood by the lighting director, Max Keller.
The turning battle of a dogfight can be executed in an infinite number of geometric planes.
Lamb saw the importance of "affinities" between Effort energy elements triad combinations/ Shape three geometric planes.
It is usually very easy to prove that a given specific subset of the geometric plane is measurable.
The design consists of large geometric planes of white concrete, the only decoration being two oval murals.
The settlers had come here and found an unmarked geometric plane; anything that rose above that plane was the work of human beings.
In geometry, a set of points in space is coplanar if all the points lie in the same geometric plane.
In these paintings, one sees his patented shards of geometric planes as they hurl and twist through a shallow field.