A 'genetic counselor' is a medical genetics expert with a master of science degree.
"The political concerns are real," said Dr. Robert F. Murray Jr., a genetics expert who is professor of pediatrics and medicine at Howard University in Washington.
One of the world's top genetics experts, Dr. Wilson J. Wall, has stated: "Someone is trying to set up Swami Premananda.
Even when the tests are valid, some genetics experts say, they are so complex that consumers need a doctor or even a genetic counselor to help them interpret the results.
I checked with Harrington to find how he was doing and to see if any genetics experts had been brought in - not by hiking outright but by tactful skating around the edges.
Dr. Roger Williams, a top cardiovascular genetics expert and professor of internal medicine at the University of Utah.
The ruling was based on a 12-week pretrial hearing that had amassed 5,000 pages of testimony last spring, much of it from genetics experts, in the case of 38-year-old Joseph Castro.
(Recent studies completed by genetics experts show evidence of Mexican wolves ranging as far north as Colorado).
"There are meaningful distinctions among groups that may have implications for disease susceptibility," said Harry Ostrer, a genetics expert at the New York University School of Medicine.
He found the genetics experts who tore gaping holes in the state's DNA arguments.