Her tenure has also been helped by Pearson's relatively generous dividend.
As a result, companies with generous dividends tend to have slightly lower credit ratings, which raise their borrowing costs.
Wherever you turn in corporate America, it seems, evil pays generous dividends.
The first deal, announced in 1994 and completed in the spring of 1995, came when Times Mirror needed to reduce the generous dividend it had been paying.
Eircom's payments on those debts do not begin until 2006, allowing it to pay generous dividends to lure investors.
Flourishing economies here and abroad would also lift cyclical stocks, which have generous dividends to boot.
And stock funds that pay generous dividends - such as the Blue Chip Value fund - often trade at a premium to their asset values.
Besides paying generous dividends in many cases, telephone stocks are also showing great technological promise, some strategists say.
But for the Soviet Union, the conference proposal has paid generous dividends.
The Germans are in a similar situation to investors that have had 10 years of generous dividends and are now being asked to invest more cash.