Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Several organizations with no representation at the moment, including the Communists, will have seats on the general secretariat.
In addition, he is part of the 14 March alliance and a member of its general secretariat.
The general secretariat acts like the alliance's governing body.
The General Secretariat, however, is to move back to Cairo.
Day-to-day affairs are run by a general secretariat.
The General Secretariat: it is responsible for advocacy, coordination and daily management of the association.
The General Secretariat is the technical and administrative body of the Union.
The General Secretariat is responsible for managing its panels and coordinating their work.
To date, the General Secretariat of the Council has unfortunately not received any such communications.
The report calls on the general secretariat to continue implementing an integrated work-life strategy and to facilitate the career progress of women officials.
The General Secretariat has a four-years mandate, and may be re-elected.
The leaders of these departments, secretariats, and offices report to the general secretariat of the conference.
Luxembourg is home to the administrative offices (the 'General Secretariat').
In addition, a General Secretariat was created.
The conference has a president and a vice-president, a permanent committee, various bishops commissions and a general secretariat.
The General Secretariat is divided into units, whose heads form the Household's management team.
The 1992 edition supplies a digest of all books and publications that are currently available from the General Secretariat in person or by post.
The General Secretariat of the international movement did not follow up on this approach, since the organization cannot give allegiance to a political or national entity.
The first document of the government that identified its program was the Declaration of the General Secretariat.
The government claimed the same same jurisdiction over Ukraine as the General Secretariat.
On 19 February 1819, the archive was returned to the management of the General Secretariat and remained within its jurisdiction until 1892.
The General Secretariat is the Foundation's executive apparatus.
In 2009, the General Secretariat was promoted to Secretary of State for Energy.
A representative of the General Secretariat for Development Planning, Reporter.
In March 2010 she became Ministry General Secretariat of Government.