However, Terry Michael, former press secretary for the Democratic National Committee, said he doubted there would be general disillusionment among young people.
Jim Walker had quit through general disillusionment in addition to the drugs and disorganization that were the normal condition of the band.
Or perhaps the reason is a general disillusionment with the joys of love between adults.
The Proisy-Leroy period at Racing was a troubled one with poor results, several scandals and a general disillusionment of the fans towards the club's management.
As a result, there is general disillusionment with the NED's current role.
Griffiths joined turned his back on the entire music scene, citing the growing trend in drug abuse, and general disillusionment as his reasons.
A few years later, general disillusionment over the decadence of the post-war world led him to retire.
Murong's writing deals mostly with social issues in contemporary China, exploring themes such as corruption, business-government relations, and general disillusionment over modern life.
Recognizing the Vietnamese settlement as no peace with no honor, a general disillusionment with Nixon's foreign policy has set in.
Initially, the lure of the Arctic for Poncins stemmed from a general disillusionment with civilization.