Furthermore, there seems to be a trade-off between the noise in gene expression, the speed with which genes can switch, and the metabolic cost associated their functioning.
How these networks evolve, how they are shaped by experience and which genes switch on and off to help them develop are not yet known.
This dominant gene, the Y chromosome's proudest and almost only possession, sidetracks the reproductive tissue from its ovarian fate and switches it into becoming testes.
This gene in turn switches on three other genes that produce the three separate components of the anthrax toxin.
Once the viral package has infected the patient's cultured T-cells, it can integrate into the chromosomes, where the gene for ADA will switch on and begin producing the life-saving enzyme.
For example, researchers discovered that genes in the Pax6 family could switch on the development of eyes in animals as different as flies and people.
Since that time, he has developed a model for how gene switches work.
More surprisingly, the genes switched on in the same head-to-tail pattern as in bilaterians.
The foreign genes inside the bacillus switched on, producing the antigens, which in turn provoked a ferocious immune reaction in the mice.
The early stages of the trial are simply designed to explore questions of safety, to determine whether the gene switches on once the adenovirus has infected lung cells and to learn how long the effect lasts.