Article thirty seven of the Constitution of Pakistan stipulates that education is a fundamental right of every citizen, but still gender discrepancies exist in educational sector.
They have a slightly higher rate than Japanese physicians (20.2%) and Japanese physicians have a smaller gender discrepancy with 27% male and 7% of female doctors smoking.
There is currently a gender discrepancy in education.
This rate increases to 97% among young adults (aged between 15 and 24) without any gender discrepancy.
The reason for the gender discrepancy is obvious.
Genetics and hormones, says Yunus, also appear to play a role, both in causing the disease and in the gender discrepancy associated with it.
Also, white women are significantly more supportive than white men, but there are no gender discrepancies among African Americans.
This gender discrepancy seen in the Canadian blogosphere mirrors the blogging demographics of other Western nations.
As for the gender discrepancy, many scientists theorize that it results from women's hormones, like estrogen.
Generally, when a gender discrepancy is found in the age at first memories, females have earlier memories than males.