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On the way there, the gas tanker we were using got stuck.
Now the question is whether the Coast Guard might be checking natural gas tankers, too.
Broadwater expects two or three liquid natural gas tankers a week.
Why don't we go to check them out while they dig out our gas tanker?"
A study by the Commission is now available on the competitive position for various types of shipbuilding and in particular gas tankers.
As he sat smoking a cigarette a large liquid natural gas tanker steamed by on the horizon.
Self goes back to find Michael and shoots the warehouse and a gas tanker to try to force them out.
Liquid natural gas tankers of the same size have an additional deck officer and unlicensed mariner.
Liquefied natural gas tankers are also used.
In Saudi Arabia, they purchased a large gas tanker truck and converted it into a bomb.
The company that owned the gas tanker did not have sufficient insurance, and the plaintiffs sought compensation from Tilden.
Parliament voted in favour of this procedure and also recommended including gas tankers in these protection measures.
During the escape, the Starman crashes the car into a gas tanker and uses a sphere to protect the two of them from the explosion.
Daily Nation reporters said that they saw two of them killed and that they were apparently shot while trying to hijack a gas tanker.
The driver of the gas tanker appeared to be unhurt, Mr. Lapolla said.
He was only vaguely aware of the blinding flash and the thunderous whoosh as the gas tanker exploded.
'Well, the Washington Post ran a piece on Saturday morning covering the big fire in the liquid gas tanker.
But this winter, workers outside Shanghai are dealing with something new: China's first domestically made liquefied natural gas tanker.
He knew roughly where it was, a kilometer beyond that liquid natural gas tanker at the end of the tanker pier.
Most oil or liquid gas tankers and dry bulk vessels, are not likely to issue many bills of lading to cover their full cargo load.
Late one night, near Billings, Montana, a gas tanker is driving by when a small meteor suddenly hits in front of the truck.
Max finds them a vehicle big enough to haul the gas tanker, and then, in a smashing 15-minute climax, drives it out for them.
Since Mr. Clarke's book was published, federal officials have sought to assuage public concerns about the safety of natural gas tankers.
A Norwegian liquid natural gas tanker becomes the first ship of its size to attempt a winter crossing of the Arctic.
She spent her final summers on standby at Gourock, frequently carrying gas tankers to Rothesay.