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They got stopped by what looked like a gang fight.
That business the other night was just a dumb gang fight.
Victims six and seven would seem to have killed each other in a gang fight.
Of his middle brother, Terry, who had died in a gang fight.
That rise to many gang fights in last few years.
It's not the first time we've picked up after gang fights.
He had no desire to get mixed up with gang fights.
There had been a gang fight near the Bowery, last night.
There was a gang fight about three o'clock this morning.
Rival parties and gangs fight one another through their own police units.
The sculpture shows the boy at 16, soon after his best friend has been stabbed to death in a gang fight.
The result has been a dose of unusual violence as the gangs fight for market share.
He has a long knife wound on his stomach, the result of a gang fight.
The week before, another inmate was stabbed and four others were hurt in a gang fight, she said.
But the gang fights got so heated that no one wanted to party there anymore.
We don't want you in the middle of a gang fight."
They picked me up out of the street after a gang fight, and brought me back to life.
Robbery, drugs, gang fight, terrorism, he had no hard information.
There was a gang fight busted loose while you were out."
The report concludes that "the police were called to prevent a gang fight or some other serious assault."
And it would be just his luck, he thought bitterly, to get involved in a gang fight on the way to the port.
The gangs fight turf wars, which account for a rising level of violence.
Rival Protestant gangs fought battles in which four people died last summer.
A year ago, he was caught in the crossfire between rival gangs fighting outside his apartment building.
He could see no reason for a purposeless gang fight in the empty subway.