Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Or perhaps the reason really is gamete size and not sexual politics.
Therefore the total number of gametes is established at this time.
Gametes must not and cannot be compared to other tissues or blood.
By one theory, the gametes may simply have different ideas about timing.
Normally only the gametes of the intended parents can be used.
In many species, however, one size of gamete still fits all.
With more gametes available, there is a higher chance of fertilization.
I'd go too but I need to get back to Gamete.
You're not a failed gamete, or anything of the kind, unless you choose to be.
Of course, maybe having been pets is worse" than being gametes."
This rule does not allow for the donation of gametes.
The male gametes are produced first and get swept out by the water current.
We start from the gross difference in size of the male and female gamete.
Finally, gametes are not included within the scope of the directive.
Thus what was called gamete and embryo donation, came into being.
But men have the overwhelming quantitative edge in the gamete games.
These have tiny caps which open to release gametes into the sea.
Reproduction was likely to have involved release of gametes into the water column.
He knows nothing about the plan to store gametes, and I didn't mention it to him.
You can have a gamete made from your genes.
They are bound and all the cells merge to form one new gamete.
Is also the gametic line where the gamete formation takes place.
His gametes get a huge return on investment for making him...
The odds are that more than gamete size drives the imagination.
The gametes go through a different division method called meiosis.