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Her dowry consisted of at least 1200 galloglass fighters.
Shane attacked uphill with a sudden onslaught led by his heavy Galloglass infantry.
This was also the last year that the festival was run by the Galloglass Theatre Company.
Galloglass may refer to:
Originating in either Western Scotland or Ireland, the sparr was widely used by the galloglass.
Clonmel Junction Festival was established in 2001 by the now defunct Galloglass Theatre Company.
Gallagher and Sweeney/Mac Sweeney were Galloglass clans.
He had been killed after a longstanding quarrel with his father's principal Galloglass commander Gillespic MacDonnell.
Owen was an esteemed galloglass warrior, more esteemed than Sorley Boy MacDonnell.
Persons bearing this name are almost certainly inter-related, given the volume of migration across the Irish Sea, in both directions, particularly during the Galloglass and Plantation years.
Before 1600, it was the home of the McDonald's, a Scottish galloglass family who helped defend The O'Neill in Dungannon.
It was a longstanding vendetta with the chieftain of one of his fathers MacDonnell Galloglass septs that cost him his life.
Clan MacAuley of the Glens was a small Irish clan that descend from south-western Scotland, who originally come over to Ulster to serve as galloglass mercenaries.
Serving as galloglass warriors fighting on behalf of the Lord of the Isles and Clan MacDonald of Dunnyveg, the clansmen were granted lands in Antrim.
After Phelim Caoch's assassination Gillespic MacDonnell's galloglass sept became committed the adherents of Mathew (Feardorcha) and his descendants, and consistent supporters of English policy.
Irish and Scottish infantry troops fighting with axes and armour, in addition to their own native darts and bows, were later known as "Gall oglaigh" (English: Galloglass), or "foreign soldiers", and formed an important part of Gaelic armies in the future.
By forgoing the customary exchange of spears, darts and arrows by the light infantry kernagh and Scots archers that customarily preceded the usually decisive deployment of the Galloglass corrughadh, or battalions, Shane surprised the MacDonnell host.
Gallowglass saw them spread out and begin to make camp.
I think we are going to need a little help up here,' muttered Gallowglass.
In spite of himself, the third Gallowglass began to grin.
Gallowglass remained where he was, unsure of what to do.
I thought maybe we'd be leaving this place,' muttered Gallowglass.
Gallowglass sat on a low wall and cast his eyes back along the column.
"I thought Gallowglass had crawled into a hole feeling sorry for himself."
And he'd take it out on whoever was closest to Gallowglass who actually needed his job.
By at least 1340, his descendants became noted gallowglass in Ireland.
In short, all the reports on Gallowglass stated that he was a bad soldier.
Gallowglass stared after him, then looked back at the advancing enemy.
"You are an odd one for a soldier," said Gallowglass.
Small wonder, then, that "Gallowglass" is up to its ears in love.
An instant's thought suffices for a book of words, friend Gallowglass.
I thought maybe I'd go north with you,' said Gallowglass.
Gallowglass was a fighting man, and he knew fighting men.
Gallowglass considered wandering over to where the newcomers were gathering.
Indeed most of the men Gallowglass had known at the start of the war were now in the ground.
"Time to call up our boys," said Gallowglass, scrambling from the trench.
"You are the only warlock we have known, friend Gallowglass, that cannot hear thoughts."
Gallowglass opened several and peered inside before moving on.
Then the storyteller moved past Gallowglass, gesturing for him to follow.
"So is Gallowglass all right, or is that too formal?"
"I'll tell you, I really get along great with kids," said Gallowglass.
His death had saddened Gallowglass, but it hadn't turned him weird.