He performed many gallant deeds, and in the months before his death he was wounded three times.
Others were simple tombstones, but no less impressive, with a block of stone marking the gallant deeds of the beloved person.
A very gallant deed, well worthy of the chief of the Amakoba!
Chaplain Burkhalter's courage and coolness under fire were of great inspiration to all who witnessed his gallant deeds.
A gallant deed in war or in sport will always warm their hearts.
Deep on thy country's memory are portrayed Those gallant deeds which time shall ne'er erase.
Maybe, like Gatsby, he'll do a gallant deed and be misunderstood, paying a mortal price for it.
The two banners met, and many gallant deeds of arms ensued.
He afterwards performed many gallant deeds of arms, and made good captures that day.
Many gallant deeds of arms were performed that were never known, and the combatants on either side suffered much.