These two Spiral Galaxies each have a system of satellite galaxies.
A satellite galaxy orbits a larger galaxy due to gravitational attraction.
During a two-year observing period, the Macho group looked for changes in the brightness of 8.3 million stars in the satellite galaxy.
That's because we seem to be inside one of the Milky Way's small, irregular satellite galaxies.
A possible cause of such a warp could be gravitational interaction with the satellite galaxies near M31.
The best known and most readily observed satellite galaxies are M32 and M110.
One day an explorer would come back from another galaxy or from one of our satellite galaxies.
These two spiral galaxies each have a system of satellite galaxies.
It is a satellite galaxy of Messier 100.
They sought solace in satellite galaxies, and for a few million years they thought they were safe.