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The side gabled house features a large porch across the front.
He turned, saw the outline of that huge gabled house against the eastern sky.
No one dared enter the gabled house to see if any person needed rescue.
Very disappointing; she had expected old gabled houses and canals.
The narrow streets and gabled houses made me think of Nuremberg.
They parked on the sidewalk, perpendicular to the front of the gabled house.
She craned her head around for one last wistful look at the gabled house.
Handsome gabled houses, built by prosperous merchant families, line the streets.
Even the gabled houses leaned closer towards one another: this time tomorrow and they would be touching.
At the end was the big, white, gabled house which represented the most unlikely-looking prison in the United States.
The story-and-a-half gabled house on the site was built in 1828, after Pinckney sold the property.
During the next hour, two perimeters were set up: The inner perimeter encircled the gabled house.
The 1890's stucco and brick gabled house across from the warblers received scant notice.
He turned to look at the Masterses' white gabled house, perched on the bluff above the beach, soft with the sun of late afternoon.
But he allowed Stoutenburg to lead him down the street to the narrow gabled house where he lodged.
Carrying cans that gurgled with liquid contents, they approached the gabled house and entered.
They were folding him into the backseat of their vehicle when I heard glass breaking from the second floor of the gabled house.
Giving instructions to the coachman, they followed her down a narrow street where gabled houses leaned toward each other across the cobbles.
He stopped finally halfway down a cul-de-sac facing a canal and lined with the tall, gabled houses which Meg had expected to see.
She found a bookshop easily enough, pausing on her way to look at the old gabled houses and the Weigh House.
Here I found a long and crowded thoroughfare with gabled houses on either side in which all kinds of trades were carried on.
It had, overall, the appearance of some fantastic barge with a kind of gabled house mounted upon its deck.
It is a gabled house with a slate roof, which takes iridescent tints in the sun like a pigeon's breast.
Front gabled houses number thirteen, eight have hipped roofs and three have side gables.
The gabled house had a steeply pitched roof and thick walls, pierced by pistol-loops for defence, in the 17th century tradition.