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Taken together, this present and future debt may exceed $70 trillion.
And he added that Argentina would have no trouble meeting its future debt payments.
This is the structural commitment to future debt inherent in democracy.
However, other bankers insist it is too soon to be sure of the effect on future debt negotiations.
It yields immediate cash relief but piles up even more future debt.
If students disregard this future debt, some researchers will condemn them as being irresponsible.
He called for spending $100 million a year to buy back state bonds, which he said could reduce future debt payments by nearly $4.5 billion.
These states may end up borrowing reserve funds from the federal government and hurting their credit ratings for future debts.
By making provisions for possible losses now, analysts said, the banks could gain the upper hand in future debt negotiations.
Sometimes lenders balk at multiple credit cards, which expose the potential for future debt.
He also persuaded the Legislature to enact a law limiting the state's future debt, though it had little immediate effect.
The budget also puts $2.8 billion toward future debt and expenses and a retirement trust fund for city workers.
Lastly, the country must establish a track record of reforms to help prevent future debt crises.
But it will prohibit borrowing for day-to-day expenses, and make most future debt a direct obligation of the state.
He also wisely moved toward "pay as you go" on capital projects, a step that lightens future debt obligations.
Sarah insists she did not know she was registering her card to pay off future debts.
The tax cuts he lauds won't stimulate instant spending but would bury the economy under mountains of future debt.
This study should provide key elements for shaping, in coordination with Member States, the Union’s future debt policy.
The establishment of a balanced budget by law under the constitution so no future debts can be incurred by government.
The couple eventually separated, with Sir Tatton disowning his wife's future debts.
Instead, they said, he should use the money to retire future debt - that is, make payments on principal that is due years from now.
If only because of a future debt he hoped would never come into existence, he owed something to this man he barely even knew.
Others are concerned about the precedent the P.I.N. program might set for future debt talks.
Although this will not reduce debt, it can simplify future debt talks by reducing the number of creditors.
Having taken its lumps, most of these people argued, Citicorp is in a better position than ever to be patient in future debt talks.