It is too early to be sure, but the case may be remembered as a milestone in Japan, provoking a fundamental reorganization of the juvenile justice system.
The second reason is that the computer system has apparently expanded to the point where it needs fundamental reorganization to operate efficiently.
But if the ideas under discussion become reality, the result would be the most fundamental reorganization of the bureau in its history.
During the 2009 legislative session, Appel called for a fundamental reorganization of state government to trim costs during the national recession.
The reshufflings are the latest amid the ranks of global ad powers as the industry's seemingly endless hard times continue to spur fundamental reorganization.
"I propose carrying out an urgent fundamental reorganization of executive power in the center by subordinating it to the President, directly to the President," he said.
The changes, Falae said, would allow for "fundamental reorganization of the banking industry".
Could they be introduced as token, surface changes or do they necessitate a fundamental reorganization of the way the school operates?
To do what the advocates want would require a fundamental reorganization of American education.
The Dinkins administration will propose a fundamental reorganization of New York City's taxi industry with an eye toward improving service outside central Manhattan.