Energy use: Future changes in energy systems are a fundamental determinant of future GHG emissions.
The focus of the research is on reducing uncertainties by providing a greater understanding of the fundamental determinants of exposure and dose and the basic biological changes that follow exposure to environmental toxicants.
A detailed comparison should make it possible to filter out the effects of intervening variables' from more 'fundamental' determinants of variations in the 'dependent variables'.
A fundamental biophysical determinant of membrane fluidity is the balance between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
Today's Columns The fundamental determinants of inflation remain low, despite fears of war and inflation intensified by the eruptions in the Middle East last week.
Alternatively, it is possible that a fundamental determinant of matrix-initiated cellular differentiation is a change in cell shape and size.
Protein sequences are the fundamental determinants of biological structure and function.
In the system of values of the consumer society, health has become a fundamental determinant of quality of life, and it has evolved into a major factor in economic and social policy.
But the fundamental determinants of inflation remain low.
Budgets are legislated Congressional action (or inaction) is, therefore, a fundamental determinant of actual deficits.