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Perhaps in this conference we will discover the fully-rounded nature of some of these values.
How does one recover from being a wunderkind, and grow into a fully-rounded composer?
We are able to offer the full range of assistance from short, specialised courses on specific topics to fully-rounded training packages.
Experts say that in order to have a fully-rounded lifestyle you should have at least twenty different activities in your life.
The most intimate, fully-rounded portrait of Keller.
We may only now be discovering a more fully-rounded expression of faith with a greater breadth than the largely cerebral Protestant approach.
We actually want to see fully-rounded individuals, we want to see that broad and balance curriculum really shining through in schools now.
And it's because those characters are fully-rounded and three-dimensional, not simply played for laughs, that the show manages to feel fresh even entering a fourth season.
As the five main characters reveal their fantasies and fears, each emerges as an astoundingly complex and fully-rounded human being.
Curiously, when it comes to portraying the elderly as fully-rounded characters, it is actually soap operas that have the more creditable record.
A buyer needs to be a fully-rounded business person with the ability to cover all aspects of the job, whether its number crunching, negotiating or putting your range together.
"Children are good at getting around obstacles, we've stepped in with a fully-rounded ordinance," Mayor Letizia Moratti said in a statement.
Till September headline tonight with their five-piece brand of fully-rounded rock, starting off with a rousing 'Something Left To Believe In'.
The characters of Wyatt and Billy come across more as ciphers than fully-rounded individuals; Fonda and Hopper don't so much act as embody the style, attitude and politics of that era's counterculture.
The congregation, including the force’s most senior ranks, learnt that Mr Barker was not only a dedicated traffic policeman with 25 years’ experience but a fully-rounded man, a dedicated family liaison officer, family man, marksman and motorcyclist.
His real subject – like that of his younger contemporary, Freud – was the human psyche, and throughout his cycle of 12 realistic plays, he asked how people could find their true selves and become fully-rounded human beings.
Howard was all about story first and foremost theres no dishonor in that but with Conan he seems to have arrived at a point in his growth as a fictioneer where he appreciated the importance of developing a fully-rounded lead.
Some young people who are searching for their own identity may need to encounter Christians who embody a degree of clarity and certainty at first, even if later on these individuals emerge as fully-rounded people with doubts and problems too.
Joan Cradden, head of employment at Brodies, also in band one for Chambers and Legal 500, is concerned at the short time scales for this raft of consultations, fearing they don’t allow enough time for fully-rounded responses.
At a relatively slim price for the stunning engineering and sound that you get, Harman Kardon's SoundSticks are the perfect choice for making your PC into a fully-rounded entertainment system, though make sure you like the look of them, or are able to tuck them away - the transparent bubble shapes aren't for everyone.