In the next room, the door of which was open, I could see a magnificent gilt dressing case, with some splendid diamond and ruby shirt studs lying by it, and a chest of drawers, and a cupboard apparently full of clothes.
Bellies are ample and folds of flesh droop without apology, unintentional reminders of a time when, among poor immigrants, a full figure boasted a full cupboard.
Here Medea's power of hating (crucial to her magic), which she can switch on and intensify at will is still the dominant theme, but Medea is now given a full cupboard of horrors from which to select the most efficient means of magical destruction.
And this is where your work is supposed to pay off You keep in touch with God when the cupboard's full so you can reach out to him when it's empty.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data McCall Smith, Alexander, 1948- The full cupboard of life / Alexander McCall Smith.
The American galleries feature a full cupboard of silver made by Paul Revere, and his portrait (among many others) by John Singleton Copley, who was probably Boston's best-known artist.
There are cupboards full of y' clothes you left behind; you've put on flesh a bit round the bosom, but Selene'll let 'em out.
Mr. Albrecht and Mr. Callender said that HBO's decision was influenced by several factors, including a full cupboard of movies ready or nearing completion (nine) and perhaps most important, an effort to solidify the HBO brand.
With cupboards full and a third straight conference title within its reach, the Cardinal has arguably supplanted Arizona as the Pacific-10's dominant program.
They met at Ardingly School, and continued writing at Oxford in a partnership that has involved producing scripts for shows like Spitting Image, Harry Enfield (notably the Tim Nice But Dim character), and Dawn's French's Murder Most Horrid, as well as producing a cupboard full of rejected scripts.