Inland there are rich taro swamps and fruit groves, and offshore there is good fishing.
The property was also planted with a large fruit grove featuring oranges, grapefruit, lemons, loquats and guavas, among others.
There were many here, imprisoned in a fruit grove to prevent their poison from spreading.
Welcome to the fruit groves of Yebèisk, welcome.
He scanned the trees of the nearest fruit grove and found them bare.
Israelis love the Golan, a beautiful area dotted with dairy farms, fruit groves, waterfalls and ravines.
In a moment, the three of them had vanished into the fruit grove.
According to an initial estimate, the flooding destroyed between 5% and 15% of fruit groves along its path.
He sat back down in what appeared to be a fruit grove to think.
He headed towards one of the nearer hamlets across the fields and fruit groves.