NeW members meet to discuss issues ranging from politics and gender to conservative principles.
The key to measuring the Weakest Link voting data is to tease out a contestant's playing ability from his race, gender, and age.
Cultural differences often exist due to race and ethnicity, but can also arise from religion, gender, age, sexual orientation and disabilities.
Urban Education aims to publish commentary on key issues from different gender and racial perspectives.
Looking at attitudes on everything from race and gender to family values, he found increased polarization only on abortion.
Her work combines both ethnographic methods and kinship theory, with more recent approaches from science studies, gender and cultural studies.
The diversity in the filmmakers included those from various nationalities, race, and gender.
It is completely different from race, gender, age and sexuality.
As much as a quarter of all college women experience date rape, and victims of abuse come from every race and gender.
The origin of the unusual color stem from genetics, not from gender, age, or environment.