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Analysis shows that the objective, and effect, are to harass successful foreign rivals with frivolous complaints.
The chief judge can dismiss frivolous complaints.
Many turn out to be frivolous complaints made by former lovers, unhappy neighbors or meddlesome in-laws.
Stewards later added five days and $100 to Krone's punishment because they said she lodged a frivolous complaint.
"He's been known to chew out workers trying to make frivolous complaints or trying to get out of work.
These are reasonable ideas - yet some lawyers make the frivolous complaint that being pressed into brief unpaid service is unconstitutional, a form of slavery.
These are not frivolous complaints.
"People who've had frivolous complaints filed against them in the past say 'I certainly wouldn't want that trash spread out in the public.'
Court commissioners say the fee had helped weed out frivolous complaints, but others say it may have kept victims of violence from obtaining orders of protection.
But while some Federal regulators welcomed the move, others said they feared it might trigger a flood of frivolous complaints from lawyers who want to unnerve their opposition.
"The correction officers may have to endure this hyperattention to frivolous complaints, if that's what it is, because in the past they haven't taken serious complaints seriously.
To protect lawyers from frivolous complaints, the Rules of The Supreme Court of Arizona allow the Bar to:
"This frivolous complaint is not worth the paper it is written on," said Michael Meehan, a spokesman for Mr. Kerry said in a statement.
Peter D. Keisler, an assistant attorney general, said the legislation would encourage frivolous complaints by disgruntled employees, crippling the ability of senior officials to manage the federal work force.
Unless you understand this background, you may think that this is a frivolous complaint inspired by the admittedly serious losses my firm has sustained since Ambrosia Plus came on the market.
It is not therefore surprising that there were many malicious or frivolous complaints, and the many investigations which judged complaints ungrounded are a backhanded tribute to the fairness of the system.
In 2005, the Supreme Court of India upheld the constitutionality of section 498A in response to a public interest petition asserting that the law could easily be abused with frivolous complaints.
The uproar induced the Liberal Democrats to offer an amendment that created a mechanism for sites to challenge the ruling, and would make anyone who filed false or frivolous complaints liable for the costs.
White-shoe lawyers - most of whom will not touch plaintiff-side work - and corporate executives have always disdained people who file shareholder lawsuits, accusing them of pressing frivolous complaints every time a stock declines in value.
To keep the number of filings in check, he said, the professional staff should be given the right to dismiss frivolous complaints that clearly fall within the discretion of a board and could not be construed as unfair or discriminatory.
Every week, the King travelled with his secretary to different parts of his kingdom, and anyone could lay a petition before him-although Ernest had petitions screened by the secretary so he would not have to deal with frivolous complaints.
'The Guardian commented that "Frivolous complaints have become the raison d'être of the Oxford Union", and subsequently the electoral rules of the Union were changed, so that others would not fall foul of the same problem.
It suggested instituting a filing fee of $25 to $50 to deter frivolous complaints, using a single hearing officer instead of the three-member panel to make more hearing officers available and empowering the agency to fine those who do not comply with decisions.
"The court is confronted with 27 equally frivolous complaints filed by the same law firm, Beigel & Sandler," wrote Judge Thomas P. Griesa of Federal District Court in Manhattan in April 1992 in Kushner v. D.B.G. Properties (a limited partnership).
Elinor Molbegott, the Humane Society lawyer, said after the hearing that the Mayor's proposal would take away "the due process of people with pets," and makes it easier for people to settle scores with their dog-owning neighbors by filing frivolous complaints that lead to a dog's seizure (a scenario that city officials say does not happen).