The ground was freshly turned, and there were stick people to scare away the birds when the seed was planted.
It was ragged and deep and the earth in it seemed freshly turned as if it had been but lately dug.
A group of quail will select an area where the ground has been freshly turned or is soft.
A fire burned in each grate, the counterpanes were turned back and freshly aired towels hung in the bathrooms.
The final shot shows Tateh Cuda in his garden, over what appears to be freshly turned soil, probably Martin's grave.
The soil was freshly turned and damp.
Finally, in the dusk, he smelled freshly turned earth.
At one end of the building, the earth has been freshly turned.
His sister Narcisa toured all possible gravesites and found freshly turned earth at the cemetery with guards posted at the gate.
It wasn't even that; part of it was freshly turned dirt with bulldozer tracks on it.